With CurrentKey Stats v1.5 Mac Spaces customization is now free (plus easy app-stats sharing) đź’Ą

Since launching CurrentKey Stats, the strongest reaction to the app has been around its workflow management features. To celebrate that: all Spaces customization features in CurrentKey Stats are now free 🧙‍♂️ (many were previously an in app purchase). (Spaces are what Apple calls Macs’ virtual desktops found in Mission Control).

CurrentKey Stats allows you to give a persistent name to each of your Macs’ virtual desktops, and jump directly from one of them to another, by selecting their name from a dropdown. No other modern Mac app that I’ve found lets you do this!

CurrentKey lets you give each virtual desktop a unique menubar icon, so that you can know at a glance (as you’re swiping between them) which one you’re in. Today, for free: all CurrentKey users can add a unique color and border to each of their menubar icons, and now get access to 250+ new solid-art icons to choose from!

There has never been a better time to try CurrentKey Stats, please give it a shot – it’s a free download and has a privacy-first design! App Store link | Website link

Here’s a short one-minute video showing off the features described above, as well as: the “Room Stats” feature, which show you how you’ve spent time across your virtual desktops, and App Stats filtering by Room, to show you how you’ve spent time in apps, specifically by the Room you were in.

Finally, the video also shows off a new feature: the ability to quickly share your top-used apps of the day, with one click!

Every feature shown off in this video (and more) are completely free forever:

A walkthrough of Spaces management awesomeness. All available for free here